Fitness Training

Young Elizabeth Carson worked as a fashion model and therefore had to be quite skinny. Many men kept telling her to change that and get a bigger booty and that’s why she decided to do a special fitness training.

Who did not wanna train Elizabeth Carson … ? She got a huge amount of applications and it was quite a job to pick the right trainer. One of them convinced her by saying that he knows how to train her “gluteus maximus” in the best possible way. She invited him to her private fitness room.

He asks her to show him how she was training and wants to see how she does her lounges.

She exchanges her outfit and continues to show her training.

The trainer takes off his shirt and then tells her to go down in the cat pose and he holds with one hand her shoulders and with the other he touches her buttock. “Elizabeth, you need to do first proper lounges with the correct weight on your shoulders. Your booty will then get bigger quite fast.” He slowly touches and feels her whole booty with his right hand.

“You have a great body. All you have to do is the correct movements. Do the lounges again but slowlier and focus on your legs and buttocks.” Elizabeth does 10 more repetitions and then puts the weights back.

The hard “fitness training” begins

At the end of the 1st lesson she wants to pay him. He smiles sitting on the slightly inclined workout bench and askes her to sit in front of him. With one hand he holds her stomach and pulls her body back. Elizabeth leanes on him and holds his hips. She can feel his big erection.

Then he quickly stands up next to her and says you can pay me with what you can do the best. He takes her hand and put it on his shorts and looks at her smiling. “I want your photographer to take pictures and videos for me.”

His big cock popps out and he tells her to suck him.

Then he quickly moves behind her, grabs her by the hips, thrusts his hard one deep inside her totally wet pussy and starts to pound her with full power.

Elizabeth really enjoys this payment by deep penetration. She is hot and horny like hell. She does not know how fit he is. You won’t believe it but they are busy for more than 1 hour. He penetrates her in different positions but always comes back to doggystyle. “I love to fuck you from behind and I have to train your booty well, right Elizabeth?”

“This is exactly the kind of training you need, Elizabeth!”
Elizabeth is totally exhausted after her extensive “payment”.

Elizabeth got it really hard and very long – He was over 1 hour busy with her

Members can enjoy this uncensored video documentary.

Members can enjoy the 52 photos of Elizabeth with her trainer

You can get this set with 52 photos and 1 XXX bonus video on BentBox!


Enjoy another fitness adventure with Elizabeth below!

All rights reserved © Karl Louis