Latex London Pub – Elizabeth was in London shopping, sightseeing and going to a pub. She also wanted to get some new tailor made latex outfits at House of Harlot. She needed good oufits because she has often latex shootings.
(This latex adventure is based on a true story and all pictures were taken in London and with an analogue camera)

Later she had some shootings posing in front of London’s pubs.

It was a special atmosphere. Guys were enjoying their beers and Elizabeth got quite some attention.

She decided to continue the shooting inside a pub.

Elizabeth sat down an ordered her first beer. The men around her were excited. She wore a latex corset with attached string, bra and gloves.

Some guys approached her because they desperately wanted to be in a picture with her.

Then Elizabeth noticed two guys constantly staring at her. They could not get enough of her legs, booty and special outfit.

She got up and looked back at them. Would they follow her?

She headed for the toilets and chose “GENTS” and the two guys came right in after her.

When she came back she ordered a Guinness and smiled. Those two guys would for sure never forget her. They also became members and one of them is still a member today of
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All rights reserved © Karl Louis
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